Newport Software - Custom software development

Newport Software NBPLCheck provides a quick, easy, and FREE way to manage your Newport Beach Public Library accounts. 


  • Customized to work with the Newport Beach Public Library website.
  • Automatically logs in to the Newport Beach Public Library website and displays a list of "Checked Out" items sorted by "Due Date".
  • Automatically renews any items which are due on the days on which the program is run.
  • Pops up a warning box if any items are due soon.
  • Maintains library card information for multiple library cards.
  • Allows manual use of the Newport Beach Public Library website.
  • Easily switch between different library cards.
  • Batch mode which can be used with a scheduled task to run NBPLCheck daily to automatically renew items as needed.
  • Batch mode sends email when items are due soon or when items could not be renewed.



  • Click on Start / All Programs / Newport Software NPBLCheck / NPBLCheck.
  • On the Settings tab, enter up to 10 Newport Beach Public Library library card numbers and passwords. 
  • Select the number of days in advance that you would like to be notified of items which will be overdue.
  • Select whether you would like to have the program automatically renew your checked-out items on the day that the items are due.  If the "Automatically renew on due date" options is checked, the program will renew items due on the day you run the program.  A renewal attempt will also be made on items which are overdue.  The renewal feature only takes place when the user successfully logs in to an account using the "Library" tab.
  • Optionally, turn on email in batch mode by clicking the "Send Email in Batch Mode" option, entering your SMTP Server (such as, and entering your destination email.
  • Click on "Save Settings" to save your settings.
  • Click on the "Library" tab and select one of your library cards.
  • The program will automatically log you in to your account and display your checked out items in "Due Date" order.


Batch Mode (for advanced users):

  • The program has a batch mode which will automatically log in to each account and check for overdue items.
  • Batch mode assumes that all of the pre-stored library card numbers and passwords are valid.
  • Batch mode is started by using the option "−batch" when starting the program.  For example, start the program as follows:

NBPLCheck.exe −batch

  • The batch mode process can be started as a scheduled task so that your accounts can be checked daily. 

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